Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 65

For the past couple of days I've had so much to say...too much I guess. Couldn't get the mess in my mind organized enough to get it out.

My Zavier is teaching me to live.

I am learning to lay it all down at the feet of the Lord. I've learned that I have always had faith but now there is an undeniable conviction behind my belief. I am learning to believe without reservations. My beliefs are becoming the facts of my reality.

I still have more bad days than good. And the pain is still so prominent.

He would've been 6 months old tomorrow. I had been anxiously awaiting the 6 month mark. I used to think of all the fun we'd be having as he became bigger and stronger.

Despite it all, or maybe because of it all, I know God is working in my life. As strong as I can feel the pain, I can feel the presence of our Lord.

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