Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 303

I can't believe this year is going by so quickly and so slowly all at once. This morning, on day 303, I woke up and for the first time in 303 days I didn't feel like screaming. I am learning to let my pain inspire me. 

Team Zavier is what keeps me going on the days I have no desire to face the world. So many days I've contemplated becoming a hermit of sorts : ) But, With God's Grace, Team Zavier is determined to make a difference.

We are in the process of creating "With God's Grace Goodie Bags" to distribute to new parents in our area. Our goal for this year is to create 200 bags that include a "Sleep Safe" pacifier, a "Sleep Safe, Baby!" onesie, and printed information on steps parents and caregivers can take to prevent SIDS.

So keep your fingers crossed for Team Zavier ( or better yet keep us in your prayers because in the depths of my soul I know God is Good.


  1. It is great that you are feeling good today.

  2. thank you. it took me by surprise but i am grateful : )
